Aktivity KLA Epopee
In honour of the 24th anniversary of the KLA Epopee, Youth Scouts League of Kosovo together with Traditional Archery Club organized a visit to the Memorial Complex in Prekaz,where they visited House of Jashari Family,the Museum and the monument of Legendary Commander Adem Jashari. This activity was organized to make young people more aware for the history of Kosovo. During this activity young boys and girls had the opportunity to hear from guide about the History of the KLA War and life of Adem Jashari.
We as young people have grown up with the memory of the sacrifice of Jashari Family. We hope and believe that history will appreciate highly and in the best form the great work of Jashari family and all those who fell down for the freedom of Kosovo.
As Youth Scouts League of Kosovo and Traditional Archery Club thank the Prizren Municipality especially Vice President Mr.Kujtim Gashi and Junus Emre Institution in Prizren for the support they have given in organizing this activity.